Water Harvesting Techniques for Rural Development

Course Date Onsite fees: Location Register
24/03/2025 To 28/03/2025 1,200 USD, 108,000 Ksh Nairobi
16/06/2025 To 20/06/2025 1,200 USD, 108,000 Ksh Nairobi
22/09/2025 To 26/09/2025 1,200 USD, 108,000 Ksh Nairobi
10/11/2025 To 14/11/2025 1,200 USD, 108,000 Ksh Nairobi


Climate change is on the rise specifically in terms of the frequency and intensity of extreme weather events such as droughts and floods, aggravating water management problems, reducing agricultural production and food security, increasing health risks, damaging critical infrastructure and interrupting the provision of basic services such water and sanitation, education, energy and transport. Various governments across the Africa continent, Non-government Organizations and communities have been implementing various strategies to cope with risks resulting from climate change. Some of these technologies include water harvesting technologies. However, some of these technologies are expensive for rural communities. Rural population require low cost systems that can be constructed, operated and maintained. This 5 day course will equip participants with knowledge and skills on simple, cost effective, efficient, effective and easy to replicate rain water harvesting technologies.



5 Days



At the end of the training, participants are expected to learn:

  • Learn different methods of rain water harvesting,
  • Appreciate why preserving and using fresh water efficiently is so important
  • Understand how to do Water pan siting and sizing
  • Learn how to do dam liner installations
  • Understand drip irrigation installations and solar pump installation
  • Learn about available green technology
  • Understand how rainwater harvesting is done



This course target agricultural extension personnel working in rural areas, governments, research institutions, and NGO devoted to promoting interventions aimed at reducing impact of climate change.


  • Rainwater harvesting principles
  • Different water harvesting technologies
  • Selection of appropriate rainwater harvesting technologies
  • Site assessment
  • Water collection strategy
  • Rainwater harvesting designs
  • Solar pump technology installations
  • Installation of water harvesting technologies

               Basic construction,

  • Installation, operation and maintenance of roof top and surface catchments.

               Fog harvesting

               Grey water harvesting

  • Construction of water pans

               Water pan siting and sizing

               Dam liner installations

  • Installing drip irrigations technologies
  • Solar pump installation

               Solar pump sizing

               Solar pump installation

  • Drip irrigation installations

               Fog harvesting

               Grey water harvesting

  • Field visits to see different water harvesting technologies






This training can also be customized for your institution upon request. You can also have it delivered your preferred location. For further inquiries, please contact us through Mobile: +254 732 776 700 or +254 759 285 295. You can also email us on: training@fineresultsresearch.org



Participants should be reasonably proficient in English.  During the trainings, participants should come with their own laptops.



The course fee covers the course tuition, training materials, two break refreshments, lunch, and study visits.



Accommodation is arranged upon request. For reservations contact us through Mobile: +254 732 776 700/+254 759 285 295 or Email: training@fineresultsresearch.org



Payment should be transferred to FineResults Research Limited bank before commencement of training. Send proof of payment through the email: training@fineresultsresearch.org



  • All requests for cancellations must be received in writing.
  • Changes will become effective on the date of written confirmation being received.




Call us on +254 732 776 700/ +254 759 285 295
Book your Training (Training Calender)
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