Enhancing Economic Opportunities for Resilient Pastoral Livelihoods
Online Training - We have refined out courses to suit the dynamic world and help achieve your objective

Course Date Onsite fees: Location Register
17/03/2025 To 21/03/2025 1,200 USD, 108,000 Ksh Nairobi
19/05/2025 To 23/05/2025 1,200 USD, 108,000 Ksh Nairobi
21/07/2025 To 25/07/2025 1,200 USD, 108,000 Ksh Nairobi
22/09/2025 To 26/09/2025 1,200 USD, 108,000 Ksh Nairobi
08/12/2025 To 12/12/2025 1,200 USD, 108,000 Ksh Nairobi


Pastoral livestock production is practiced in an estimated area of 43% percent of Africa land mass in different regions of Africa by an estimate of 268 million pastoralists. Pastoralism plays an important role in the national and regional economies of Africa in terms of export of animals to both domestic and international markets. Furthermore, pastoralism contributes a percentage of 10 to 44 of the gross domestic product (GDP) of African countries. Despite the significant impact of pastoralism to livelihoods, economy of Africa’s drylands, GDP and exports sector, pastoralists are faced with various challenges including climate change and climate variability,  increasing risk of animal and zoonotic diseases, insecure land rights and natural resource management, violence, displacement and militarisation of pastoral livelihood systems and neglect and exclusion of pastoralist communities among other challenges. One of the key intervention to ensure sustainable livelihoods of pastoralist is focus on building resilience to mitigate effects of climate change. Resilience is being understood in terms of building different types of capacity within communities and social-ecological systems. Building resilience of vulnerable communities to the vagaries of climate change calls for more transformative approaches that can organically evolve to suit the dynamic and unique needs of different farming systems. This 5- days course aim to equip participants with knowledge of empowering pastoralist in building resilience to mitigate effects of climate change.


5 days

Who should attend?

·        Field technicians and agricultural extension staff

·        Governmental and nongovernmental organizations implementing adaptation projects

·        Agricultural extension officers

·        Representatives of NGOs

·        Private organizations

Course objectives

By the end of the training participants will be able to:

·        Learn how to increase the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises

·        Understand Livelihood approaches in fragile contexts

·        Learn the  links between resilience and livelihoods

·        Understand resilience pathways and outcomes

·        To identify and analyse the key premises underpinning dryland policies, generate arguments and alternative policy options


Course content

Module 1: Understanding context of pastoralism

·        The dynamics of pastoral systems

·        Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) relevant to pastoralism

·        The Sendai Framework for Disaster Risk Reduction (DRR) 2015–2030

·        The Paris Climate Agreement.

·        Institutions in the country mandated with building resilience of pastoralists and their interventions

·        Mitigation strategies and financing mechanisms for pastoralists (e.g livestock take off, livestock insurance etc)

·        Four key elements of transformative change in resilience building


Module 2: The policy challenges and options for pastoralism

·        Past policy and current reforms and their drivers e.g wildlife, water and range management.

·        The national poverty reduction strategies,

·        Constraints and opportunities brought by the policy to pastoralists

·        identify and analyse the key premises underpinning dryland policies, generate arguments and alternative policy options

Module 3: Resilience dimension measurement

·        Wealth index

·        Household food insecurity access prevalence (HFIAP)

·        Community network/Social capital

·        Psychosocial distress

·        Livestock

·        Infrastructure and social services

·        Human capital

·        Environment

Livelihood approaches in fragile contexts

·        How to increase the resilience of livelihoods to threats and crises

·        The links between resilience and livelihoods

Module 4: Advocating for change 

·        Identifying key actors, their roles, the policymaking cycle and crucial issues when advocating for change.

·        Actors and stakeholders, and their roles in resilience-building

·        Resilience pathways and outcomes (community and livelihood resilience).

·        Enabling environments’: internal and external factors enabling or obstructing progress.

·        Beneficiaries, equity and inclusion.

·        Synergies between adaptation, mitigation, food security and development

·        Planning for community-based adaptation to climate change in agriculture

ü Building resilience.

ü Supplying humanitarian assistance.

ü Improving livelihoods and increasing local and national stakeholders’ learning, capacity and knowledge around resilience

·        The theory of change


Module 5: Determinants of successful adaptation by pastoralists

·        Knowledge on impacts and vulnerabilities

·        Knowledge on natural resources and socioeconomics and Adaptation options

·        Sustained policy support


Community-based adaptation: Underlying principles

·        Essential steps of community based adaptation

·        Assessment of current vulnerability, risks and local livelihoods of population

·        Source of information of climate change (indigenous knowledge and conventional knowledge)





This training can also be customized for your institution upon request. You can also have it delivered your preferred location.

For further inquiries, please contact us through Mobile: +254 732 776 700/+254759285295 or Email: training@fineresultsresearch.org  


·        Participants should be reasonably proficient in English.  During the trainings, participants should come with their own laptops.


·        The course fee covers the course tuition, training materials, two break refreshments, lunch, and study visits.


·        Accommodation is arranged upon request. For reservations contact us through

·        Mobile: +254732776700 / +254759285295

or Email: training@fineresultsresearch.org 

Call us on +254 732 776 700/ +254 759 285 295
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